Can BFM orders be shipped to me directly?
Sometimes there are obstacles when ordering something from a different country, whether that’s a restriction on an item, timing, or whatever else. ShipByMail’s BuyForMe service removes these obstacles, giving you access to more of the products Canada has to offer! With BuyForMe, you have yet another added benefit for all your cheap shipping from Canada. What BuyForMe does, is help you get around any ordering obstacles you may have in order to get you the easiest checkout process possible. All you need to do through your ShipByMail account is simply provide our BuyForMe team with your order information, and they will purchase the goods for you. Next, the payment method on your account with ShipByMail will be charged the cost of the order, plus a small processing fee. In terms of having items shipped directly to you, all Personal Shopper orders are being sent to the ShipByMail facility, and cannot be shipped to any other addresses. To ensure all items are received [...]