Orthodox Good Friday – April 22 package forwarding company
The Orthodox Good Friday is the day before Easter Sunday. The Orthodox Church observes a strict fast on this day and does not eat any food until after sunset. The fasting period begins at midnight, with an evening service that includes chanting and reading from the Psalms. These books can arrive to your home sometimes using a package forwarding company of your choice Good Friday is also called Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday and Great Day of Penance in some traditions. Good Friday is the day that Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. It is a holy day of fasting and abstinence, and many churches hold services in which they read the Bible account of the crucifixion and follow it with a sermon package forwarding company. The Orthodox Church has a set of specific guidelines for Good Friday, including fasting from red meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products (including milk), olive oil and wine. These foods can be eaten another day [...]