Austraila Day 2022 cheapest package forwarding service.
Australia Day a public holiday on January 26th and is Australia’s National Day. Australia Day is the official National Day of Australia. It is a national public holiday that is celebrated each year on January 26. If January 26 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, Australia Day is celebrated on the following Monday instead and you can still use the cheapest package forwarding service. It marks the arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales on that date in 1788, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain by Captain Arthur Phillip. In each State and Territory, when January 26th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the date of the public holiday is moved to the following Monday, however parcel forwarding companies are still available for all your shipping needs. Have you ever wondered about the history of Australia Day? cheapest package forwarding service. Captain Arthur Phillip became the first Governor of the colony of [...]