Are there any BuyForMe rules when placing large orders or if I’m a new member?
When you’re going about your daily Canadian tax free shopping, most Canadian merchants are set up to accommodate international shoppers, but at times our members will encounter a Canadian retailer that may only accept Canadian credit cards and/or a Canadian billing address, requires payment through PayPal or money order, and won’t accept payment by check or wire transfer. This can be a major hurdle when you’re trying to shop tax free from Canada. Fortunately, ShipByMail’s BuyForMe service removes these obstacles, giving you access to more of the products Canada has to offer! With BuyForMe, you have yet another added benefit for all your cheap shipping from Canada. The only rule here is that BuyForMe may require a wire transfer if the Personal Shopper order exceeds CDN$1000, or if you have been a member for less than three months. Once you get that squared away it’s a breeze to ship from Canada to the USA. So what are you waiting for? Get your [...]