International Resale – Expand Your Market Reach and Savings
Canada boasts an unbelievable array of collectors and specialist small businesses, focused on reselling wares to a wide audience to have International Resale. If you’re a small vintage dealer, memorabilia collector, rare book aficionado or more, you may be in the business of reselling your finds. Whether you have your own website or use sites like eBay, Kijiji, Craigslist or more to find your audience, physical products nonetheless need to be shipped to the buyer. The great news is that your market reach doesn’t stop in Canada or North America. By sending your goods with ShipByMail, you can take advantage of fantastic rates to get your products out to a wider international audience. The best part about ShipByMail is that you not only increase your international market reach but you also expand your margins. You, the seller, are typically responsible for arranging product shipping of your goods and as such, can program that into the final purchase price. Even while [...]